SmEx: Smart Expense Manager is one of the personal financial management applications in Vietnam today. The application provides a solution to manage spending, income, lending, and borrowing for individuals and families. Users can easily record income and expenditure quickly with a simple and easy-to-use interface design. SmEx: Smart Expense Manager will help you flexibly monitor cash flow, and comply with the principles to optimize personal finance effectively.

1. User Manual

1.1. Log in to your account

The first thing you need to do for you to be able to use the SmEx: Smart Expense Manager is to Log in to your account. After successfully downloading the application, open the app and press “Allow” SmEx: Smart Expense Manager to send you a notification. Next, you just need to use your Facebook, Google, or Apple ID account to register for use.

> Details at: Log in to the SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.2. Create a plan

The revenue and expenditure plan is one of the critical factors to help you manage your budget in the best way. Creating a spending plan will help you have a clear view of your monthly expenses. You will be able to distinguish what is necessary, and what should be limited, and cut down on unnecessary spending. Besides, income goals will also help you orient and put more effort into your work.

> Details at: How to create a spending - income plan on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

> Details at: Change the plan start day on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

> Details at: Plan history on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.3. Assets - Wallet

Each asset is considered a wallet - where your money is stored, such as Cash Wallet, Bank Account, Investment Assets, etc. The Premium version allows users to create wallets with unlimited numbers. Through the classification of assets that can be spent or not, users can control their cash flows in the tightest way.

> Details at: Add new assets on the SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

> Details at: Detail an asset on the on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

> Details at: Adjust asset balance on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

> Details at: Transfer between assets on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.4. Recording income/expenditure/borrowing

Now, with just a few minutes a day, you can control your cash flow by adding accounts to the app. With extremely easy operation, the income, spending or borrowing will be recorded and calculated in the most accurate way.

> Details at: Record spending on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager 

> Details at: Record income on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

> Details at: How to record loans on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.5. Statistical

Are you wondering how much you have spent this day, this month, last month, or even this year, Expensee "Statistics" - SmEx: Smart Expense Manager will answer this question for you. Well-designed line, pie, or bar graph reports will give you the best overview of your spending, so you can make more reasonable adjustments in the future.

> Details at: Spending-Income Statistics on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.6. My family

One of the outstanding features of SmEx: Smart Expense Manager is creating a family. Family members can see other members' records, but they cannot edit or delete them. Viewing an overview of family records can help you make a better spending plan for your family, manage your children's or spouse's records, etc., and improve your quality of life.

> Details at: How to create a family on the SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.7. Category

Each person will have their own income and expenses for their own purposes, so in addition to the default categories of the application, you can also create your own categories. This helps you to detail the revenues and expenditures, thereby creating the most specific plan for you.

> Details at: How to manage the categories on the SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.8. Events

The events section of the SmEx: Smart Expense Manager helps you manage and track future plans and plans as well as past and present events (such as weddings, birthdays, ..). Your events can record all types of records available in the application such as expenditure, income, and related debt records.

> Details at: How to create an event on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.9. Recurring notes

Do you have fixed payments to be made monthly, weekly, and sometimes daily and you don't want to spend too much time recording them? Rest assured that there is a “Recurring Notes” to support you. You can add any recurring revenue or expenditure when the application consult you before saving or not. “Recurring Notes” feature makes saving the time and simplifying the operation for users.

> Details at: How to create recurring notes on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.10. Debtor Creditor

“Debtor” means the people who have/are lending you money or borrowing money from you. The application helps you keep track of which debts are outstanding, and which loans are outstanding, helping you to control spending more closely.

> Details at: Debtor creditor on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

1.11. Anonymous access

Everyone's life has secrets, SmEx: Smart Expense Manager will help you keep a part of that secret with the anonymous feature. There are income and expenditures that you do not want to share with anyone including family members, use incognito mode, this function is protected by a password you create yourself. Of course, with just a few simple steps, you have the notes that only you know.

> Details at: Security code and backup code on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

> Details at: Anonymous assets on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

> Details at: Take notes anonymously on the SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

2. Support consulting channel

2.1. Facebook - Fanpage

Fanpage Smart Expensee is the place to update notifications about changes in the application, improvements as well as new features. You can send any questions and questions related to the application to the fan page by sending a message to the fan page, the admin will always try to support and answer in the fastest and most timely way.

Link fanpage:  https://www.facebook.com/smart.expensee

2.2. Facebook - Smart Expensee Community - Cộng đồng người dùng

This is a group on Facebook that helps bring the users of SmEx: Smart Expense Manager closer together. You can exchange and share your own personal income and expenditure management tips as well as consult and learn from other members' experiences.

Join now at: Smart Expensee Community - Cộng đồng người dùng https://www.facebook.com/groups/smart.expensee