Record income on SmEx: Smart Expense Manager

- There are two ways to add new income:

Method 1: Click the “Add income” button.

Method 2: Click on the '+' sign, select the first icon from the left.

- Set details to the record:

1. Amount of the income. (Compulsory).

2. Suggested amount.

3. Categories. (Compulsory).

4. Date.

5. Notes for this record.

6. Assets for this item.

7. Attached image.

8. Events for which you have this income.

9. Optional if you do not want to include this in the income statement.

10. Click ‘Done’ to finish adding the income.

11. The recorded income is displayed as shown. Can be clicked to edit.

12. Can swipe left to manipulate this income: Duplicate - Anonymous - Delete.